Outlook on Upcoming Features and Functions — January 2023 Edition

2 min readJan 8, 2023


Today we would like to give you an outlook on some future features and functions we are currently working on. The main focus will be on cost management and the driver’s logbook. All the requirements come from you, the TRONITY Community and we will implement them step by step as always — thank you for your feedback and ideas!

TRONITY Cost Management

In addition to charging costs, running costs related to the vehicle can already be stored in TRONITY. We would like to extend this section so that cost-relevant documents, such as a workshop invoice, can also be stored here. In addition, costs should be easier to track and manage within the TRONITY App.

If you have further ideas and wishes, please post them as a comment to this article.

TRONITY Driver’s Logbook

We would like to extend the existing TRONITY driver’s logbook with additional features. We also would like to further simplify the data management. The main focus will be on reworking the list view and extending the TRONITY App.

If you have further ideas and wishes, please post them as a comment to this article.

The above-mentioned features & functions are planned to be released in the coming weeks. In addition, existing functions are continuously improved and extended as usual. In this way, we would like to further optimize and simplify the use of TRONITY.

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TRONITY enables you to access, own and manage your electric vehicle data via software only — no hardware is needed! Learn more via https://www.tronity.io