After we expanded the report on the usage data of your own fleet in the last TRONITY Fleet update, we are excited to present you with the new possibilities for analyzing your vehicle fleet.
TRONITY Fleet: Expanded Report on Usage Data of Your Own Fleet
The Usage Data report now offers a simple and comprehensive overview of your vehicles’ usage. Unlike some other solutions that focus only on mileage, our report encompasses numerous other key metrics.
The usage data in TRONITY includes, among other values:
- Number of charges
- Total charging amount (kWh)
- Number of charging sessions
- Average consumption
- Maximum charging speed
- AC/DC charging ratio
- CO₂ values
- … and many more data points
These extensive data are ideal for gaining valuable insights into your own fleet and making informed decisions for optimization. The data are not only interesting for fully electric vehicles but also valuable in the evaluation of hybrid vehicles.
As always, no additional hardware is necessary, and the expanded usage data are already included in TRONITY Fleet Premium.
If you would like to learn more about the TRONITY Fleet solution or the topic of home charging, feel free to schedule an appointment. | Learn more about the new TRONITY Fleet solution.