Add information to business trips via address book

1 min readMar 19, 2023


As announced in one of the last newsletters, we will focus in the current TRONITYrelease on the optimization of the TRONITY driver’s logbook. In this context, we would like to add further features and functions to the TRONITY driver’s logbook, but we would also like to further simplify the data management.

Add information to business trips via address book

As soon as the extended TRONITY driver’s logbook is activated, trips must be assigned to one of the following categories via tags: Business trip, Private trip or Work trip. When assigning the “Business Trip” category, additional details about the trip can be added. To simplify data entry, there is now an address book where predefined information can be selected and added to the trip. The address book can be managed through the TRONITY settings.

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